Helping the Aftermarket to Innovate And Transform

We're a automotive aftermarket media company, that believes being a favorite brand is more valuable than just being a famous one. We operate beautifully useful, connected ecosystems that grow businesses and build enduring relationships between brands and humans.

Online Marketing

Target your aftermarket customers e.g. technicans or parts distributors and get into your customers' relevant set.


The trade media for technicans and parts distributors publishes the most recent news since 2013.


Listen to well knowen aftermarket experts. Or use the main stage to spread your ideas and visions. Automotive Talks since 2016.

Want to increase your brand awareness in the aftermarket? Let’s talk about it.

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We have many approaches to start your success!

A wide variety of different options depending on time, budget and impact on brand awareness.


Can we predict whether an advertisment will work? Simple answer: Yes, we can!

Make the best out of your online marketing budget.

Boost your story with Content Marketing!

Distribution of individual stories, use cases, product features via Social Media to get into the car technicians' relevant set.

More traffic. More success. SEO Optimisation!

Although your products are sold through distributors, SEO optimisation is crucial building your brand and driving demand.

evaluatuon of seo impact on barand awareness


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💡 Your most successful year!

Hello everyone and welcome to 2025. Everyone is now back from their well-deserved vacation. The budget planning is complete. And now it’s time to choose the right channels to get started. 🚀 Here are a few considerations: Data is king! Your products must be correctly referenced and findable in TecDoc. This is the most essential way to ensure

Happy New Online Marketing – Year!  Sichtbarkeit ist alles auch im Jahr 2025! Wer in Erinnerung bleiben will, muss dafür sorgen, dass die Botschaft und die Marke nachwirken. Wenn Die Kfz-Mechatroniker nicht nur die Message, sondern auch Deine Marke im Kopf behält, hast Du das Ziel erreicht. Doch wie schaffst Du das? Der Schlüssel liegt darin,


Liebe Google-Nutzer, Du möchtest, dass Deine Produkte und Services bei Google ganz oben stehen? Und du als wahrer Aftermarket Champion wahrgenommen wirst? 🙋‍♂️Kein Problem – mit strukturierten Daten hebst Du Dich ab! Sie machen Deine Inhalte sichtbarer, schaffen Vertrauen und steigern am Ende Deine Verkäufe. Wie das funktioniert? Ganz einfach: Sichtbarkeit schafft Vertrauen Wenn User technische Informationen, Sternbewertungen,

seo services von amrocket gmbh

Der Wettbewerb im Automotive Aftermarket wird immer härter, und wer online nicht gut auffindbar ist, bleibt schnell auf der Strecke. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ist der Schlüssel, um dein Unternehmen auf die Überholspur zu bringen. Mehr Sichtbarkeit bei google bedeutet oft mehr Vertrauen. Und Vertrauen führt bekanntlich zum Kauf. In diesem Newsletter lüften wir das

Increase your

Brand Awareness

Best services to increase your brand awareness in the Automotive Aftermarket


We identify your needed target group for your potential approach

Online Marketing

Considering the right online marketing instruments to achieve your goals


We use best in class methods to operate and give you full transparency


SEO optimisation is critical to build your brand and driving demand


We increase your brand awarness in the Aftermarket


We are experts in Aftermarket and Online Marketing helpig you to improve your business

We are trusted by more than 40+ aftermarket clients.

Since 2013 we had more than 100+ successfull campaigns.

Detailed insights & the most effective results

We have the expertis and ecosystems to help to increase your brand awareness. We provide high quality and cost effective services.

Want to increase your brand awareness in the aftermarket? Let’s talk about it.

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Few references

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